If you woke up this morning wondering how the heck you’re gonna find your next client, you need a Client Attraction Audit.

That’s your 60 minute, one-on-one call to map out your next 3 crucial steps to build a Client Attraction Ecosystem that draws in qualified leads who cannot wait to become happy, paying clients. 

Book a free call here

If you woke up this morning wondering how the heck you’re gonna find your next client, you need a Client Attraction Audit.

Book a free call here

If anything on here sounds like you, you should book this free call.

  • You’ve been around for a minute and feel like you know a thing or two about this marketing thing. Yet, you spend hours on content that never quite meets your expectations.
  • You think “content marketing” is just about posting on social media…

  •  You know you need to grow your audience and you’ve tried things like posting about your lead magnet, but your list isn’t growing and you’re out of ideas.

  • You’ve paid money for templates, invested in marketing programs, listened to ALL the marketing podcasts but … everything feels disjointed and what you crave is a cohesive strategy.

  •  You’re clear on your offers but your audience isn’t. And you’re unsure how to solve this problem because you can’t quite tell where the confusion lies.

  •  You’d rather throw your computer out the window than create another reel … but what the heck else is there?

In other words, the Client Attraction Audit is for two kinds of coaches:


Coach #1:

You’re just getting started. You’ve bought a couple of courses and have learned a bunch from free stuff on the internet, but you’re sick of slapping things together and want to do it right. 



Coach #2:

This isn’t your first rodeo. You have a business that pays your bills and yet, you’re still only getting clients from surprise referrals and don’t have any repetitive marketing systems in place, regardless of how many templates and marketing programs you own. 


In the words of Oprah...

Book a Free Call

“Wait a minute, Sophia… this call is ONE WHOLE HOUR?? What’s the catch? Why the heck are you giving me an hour of your time for free?”

I know you’ve purchased programs or templates that have promised all kinds of results but didn’t deliver. 

If you ask me, that’s because they forced you to squeeze yourself into a cookie cutter strategy that probably wasn’t meant for you. 

And my marketing mentorship, Pocket CMO is different. 

The best way for you to see that in action is with some one on one time with me. 

So don’t worry, I’m also going to reserve some time to talk about Pocket CMO because that's really the place where you can get the most traction.

Here's how it will work:

  • You’ll fill out this 3 minute assessment so I’ve got the information I need to come prepared for our call. 
  • On the call, we’ll identify 1-3 holes in your Client Attraction Ecosystem that must be filled if you’re going to start seeing results from your marketing.  (Yes, there will be actual coaching on this call.) 
  • I’ll show you exactly how Pocket CMO will help you plug those 3 holes in half the time, and why it’s the very last marketing program you’ll ever need. 
  • We’ll decide together whether or not Pocket CMO is the missing link. If it isn’t, you’ll have 3 clear steps you can run with thanks to our audit. And if it is, you’ll know exactly how to leverage the countless resources inside Pocket CMO right away.
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