$550.00 USD

Read our terms and conditions of this purchase HERE. However, a few key call outs: 

  • This purchase is non-refundable and must be utilized within 6 months.
  • Coach Social LLC Does Not Guarantee Results.
  • You may not duplicate, disseminate, distribute, or otherwise disclose any part for any reason to third parties.

Social Media Audit

You’ll Walk Away from Our Call With…

  1. Data-driven Feedback about what content works and what content doesn’t for YOUR audience.  That way, you  can focus your energy where it counts!)
  2. Algorithm-Approved strategies to achieve your business objectives based on what’s current and relevant on each platform.
  3. All your questions answered based on your unique account and objectives instead of those one-size-fits-all answers you hear at webinars.
  4. A PLAN so you can stop throwing spaghetti at the wall!

Upon purchasing, you'll receive a link to schedule.