Social Media Audit


If That’s You, Keep Reading…

I’ve never offered social media audits outside of my full social media curation services.  But truthfully they just might be the most helpful thing I do because my clients work SMARTER not harder on their social media content.


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A Social Media Audit is Best for You If…

  1. You’re a coach with clients.
  2. You like social media (particularly Instagram) and you post consistently or relatively consistently (at least twice a week).
  3. Your posting strategy comes from inspiration vs. the algorithm or your numbers.
  4. You hear swahili when someone says the word “algorithm.” You have no idea what the heck that means but would like someone to explain it in an easy-to-understand language.
  5. You already know social media is important but you just have no idea what you’re doing.
  6. You use hashtags like… #happiness.
  7. You apply the spaghetti method (throw content at a wall and you hope it sticks) but you have no real strategy.
  8. You're still thinking that great content is what creates engagement.
  9. You're relying on content to grow your audience.

If you’re nodding your head right now and wondering how I know so much about you, then you’re the perfect candidate for a social media audit.


When You Sign Up for One,
Here’s How We’ll Roll:


You’ll click here to invest and schedule a call with me.

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I’ll Ask You a Bunch of Questions That Help Me to Understand Your Goals.

This will help me to analyze your content with your objectives in mind so you walk away feeling best set-up to tackle your goals.


I’ll Analyze Your Content and Messaging

Over the course of 2 weeks, I’ll be analyzing your content to determine whether or not your content is actually working for you based on your objectives. I'll also be doing a deep dive into your messaging so we can spend some time crafting a plan to help you be known for the thing you want to be known for.


We’ll Hop on a Call!

We’ll then hop on a call for about an hour so I can share my findings and give you guidance. Together we will identify the roadblock and help you come up with next step solutions based on data and messaging.

Ready to cure your social media headache?

You got it, Coach.

Count me in.

You’ll Walk Away from Our Call With…

  1. Data-driven Feedback about what content works and what content doesn’t for YOUR audience.  That way, you  can focus your energy where it counts!)
  2. Algorithm-Approved strategies to achieve your business objectives based on what’s current and relevant on each platform.
  3. All your questions answered based on your unique account and objectives instead of those one-size-fits-all answers you hear at webinars.
  4. A PLAN so you can stop throwing spaghetti at the wall!
Click to schedule


The Soul Centered Business Coach

When Sophia and I started working together, I was getting an average of 16 comments per post.

After a few months, engagement has increased as have opt-ins to my email list and DM’s! I had 399 comments on an image sharing my email grab 2 weeks ago (thanks to a strategy she’s shared with me!) and with her support and mine, 100 comment mark time and time again. 

She’s really tapped into my voice and the quotes she’s shared with me consistently perform as some of my top posts. 

She is extremely talented and gets it! She can hear what you’re trying to say and not only match your voice but also say it in a more succinct and clear way. She is professional and full of heart. If you’re debating working with her, I highly recommend it and wouldn’t miss the opportunity.  


Founder of Awakening Shakti

Social media is not my forte. I honestly find the whole thing baffling! However, I know how important it is to my on-line business so we’ve have been chugging along with it for about 10 years. We did pretty well in the beginning but then — algorithms happened — and our super active Facebook page suddenly went quiet. It was all so confusing. I wanted to know what was going on, so I hired Sophia to do a social media audit on our feeds and give me a diagnosis.

Finally, I felt like I had someone masterful in the social media world on my side. I was thrilled to find someone like Sophia who could finally make sense of what was going on and help us understand the complexity.

Our first call was rough. She analyzed all that confusing data and we learned that we’d only gotten 26 link clicks in an entire month even though we’d been posting daily. We also found out that our hashtags were getting us no additional reach and our Twitter feed was basically pointless.

But, after the call, it was clear WHY and we finally had guidance about how to handle the issues. ??

We learned what type of content was most effective to use when posting something important, how to create strategic content to foster more engagement, and I started to understand how to position our content to increase traffic to our long-form content.

The results were pretty exciting. On Facebook, especially. Two posts reached over 1,000 likes that month, and we got a total of 347 link clicks over to our long-form content (compared to the only 26 link clicks before we implemented Sophia’s strategy). We also had 1,730 new views onto our page because of our content when the month prior we had ZERO.

We’ve still got work to do but Sophia made our next steps clear and offered tremendous value in a very short timeframe. She is positively delightful to work with. I highly recommend her services and feel incredibly grateful to have her expertise on my team.

Ready to start your Social Media Audit?

Sign me up